Modern Prejudice Against The Name Of Feminism

How difficult it is for a woman to pursue her career in our Indian culture? Ambitious women are often stepping hurdle to male ego in our society. Thou in the era of 21-century Indian women are overcoming every limitation drawn by society and our culture, irrespective of caste, creed or religion.

I feel this constant pressure by the society as crossing my twenties to behave or dress in an adequate manner. Sometimes I consider it is just a transition of stepping into adult life from teenage. In our culture “Young Women” are considered as some kind of cultural reputation ambassador for a family.

Son(s) are considered to step out and start earning. Whereas once a daughter(s) crosses the age limit of her twenties, parents are worried, relatives are worried as if whole social culture is worried for her to settle down and start a family. Here my generalize point of view is “Are we teaching our daughters to be more self-reliable? Or teaching them that a degree is a pass-way ticket to find a good graduate groom with a number of zeros behind one?”

“The feminism of equality, of toughness, of anti-discrimination, has been overwhelmed by one of victimhood and demands for special treatment….At a certain point, when we demand an equal ratio of men to women in certain fields, what we’re criticizing is not “the system,” but the choices that women themselves are making…..let’s keep our eye on the question of equal opportunity and stop obsessing about equal outcomes, lest we find ourselves trying to cure society, not of sexism, but of free choice.”
Elizabeth Wasserman

We have been talking since a decade about women empowerment, gender equality, and feminism.

If a woman has a degree, she equally deserves chance and time to explore her growth, where she wants to work, what kind of stream she is comfortable with. Like men do, women should be given space and liberty to explore her area of interest, until she is sure and certain of what she wants in her career as well as in her personal life. Regardless, don’t limit her with numbers, how old she is, how much more she has to study? When she will settle. Nearly in the late twenties, the clock is ticking by.

Well, unless and until our society won’t stop restricting women from various above factors. Words like woman empowerment and feminism are just words in speeches and quotes.

Modern prejudice still exists. We like it or not. Judgments are still passed and it is a characteristic of human nature. If a woman is given wings, there should not be any boundaries or periphery that limits her journey or destination.

For many families may be a priority, for some career and for few both. It’s all about perspective how you view it. Let Indian women choose what comes first in her priority list. Don’t pressurize her, don’t limit her and stop asking damn questions. That’s when true feminism is applicable.


Our daughters, sister, and women of our country graduate and work to be themselves, to stand for what they are, not to prove men, not to prove society. And if she chooses to get married at the age of twenty-one or thirty-five, choose to be a mother or not. Marries her career or man or prefer adoption over natural birth. All the choices are solely her.

It’s not a question of giving her freedom or choice, approval or acceptance. It’s about letting her free and let her be the best version of what she can be without damaging her virtue and self -esteem.

In the hope of practical approach towards feminism;

With love,


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